Friday, November 14, 2008

Family Traditions

Most families have traditions. Some are as old as dirt and some are new. When Big E and I married 9 years ago we (like many other married folk) had to merge or create traditions. Now, some came much easier than others, but nonetheless traditions emerged. 

A fond memory for both of us was watching the Wizard of Oz on t.v. I remember huddled on the couch in our jammies enjoying the movie while being scared of the Wicked Witch of the West. Big E's family not only watched the movie as a family, but enjoyed popcorn and homemade milk shakes too! Yummy! 

So, tonight as the movie aired we enjoyed our kids and popped some popcorn in memory of our childhood. We have done this in the past with our growing brood and enjoy it annually! Although, we didn't make it to the milkshakes this time around, but Big E and I enjoyed some adult beverages while watching the kids act out the scenes. 

So cheers to the Wizard of Oz and long live traditions!!!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

The smell of brownies...

Each of us has a favorite dessert in our family. I am sure your family does too! I would have to say that I have a few, but then does that really surprise you? Probably not...

M loves chocolate chip cheesecake and homemade chocolate chip cookies

G is a fan of straight up Hershey's chocolate bars (a very picky eater even when it comes to desserts)

E loves anything that is sweet from suckers to cookies. Today she asked me to make her a pie. Does a two year old know really anything about pie? I guess she does...

Big E loves key lime pie and creme brulee although he isn't a huge sweets guy either. It must run in the family.

I love dutch apple pie and my mom's recipe for lemon bars. They seriously melt in your mouth!

But when I am not in my "Martha Stewart Mood" I find that a good ole box of brownies does the trick any day of the week. The kids and I put some together tonight and I am enjoying the fragrant smell as I type. I guarantee that the entire pan will be gone by Saturday! Yummy!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Big E and M carving pumpkins

Little E and G with their carving for these little guys ;-)

The three amigos before the candy extravaganza!

I thought I should post my Halloween pics before Thanksgiving is here and gone! We had a great evening! It was a very mild night and the kids didn't have to hide their costumes with heavy coats and gloves. A bonus for being farther south this year. I was walking around the neighborhood in flip flips and capri pants. I know this won't happen every year. I realize that I am still in the Midwest. However, this brings a smile to my face knowing our first trick-o-treat experience in MN was a balmy 26 degrees. Big E and M only made it to three or four doors that year.

All in all, the kids made a great haul in the candy department. We were able to connect with neighbors and have some great laughs. Little E was a trooper and old enough to enjoy the evening without having to be trapped in a wagon or stroller (yeah for the parents too). Just another milestone that will make a great memory in this wonderful thing called life!


It's 4:30 am and I cannot sleep!

Are you kidding me??? This hardly happens to me!!! I freakin' can't sleep. Now this happens to my hubby a lot. He is a light sleeper and if he is awoken during the night it so hard for him to find that deep sleep again. I always relish in the fact that I fall asleep quickly and stay asleep until my alarms (three kiddos) wake me from my slumber.

I guess I have too many things rolling through my mind tonight. My Mom always advised me to keep a notebook by my bed and write things down as they came up. So here is my list tonight...

1. I am worried about G and his behavior lately. He isn't listening well. He is trying to "buck my authority" more and more. He has discovered telling "half-truths" when he gets into trouble, etc. Now, mind you this is not the first time we've done this. He's tested my patience many, many times before. Each developmental stages brings new challenges with him. Don't get me wrong, he is a tender hearted child. I know he is testing me to see where the "line" is drawn. We've got a discipline system in place. It seems I need to tweak it a bit. Plus we haven't had a lot of mommy-son time together lately. I'll have to work hard at playing/reading with him more this week. Let's see if that helps too.

2. I've been thinking about my sister's safety lately too. She is a young, pretty single gal in Chicago. She is living in a safe neighborhood, but I still think of the vulnerable moments that cross our paths everyday we don't realize. I cringe at the thought of someone harming her. She is a smart chic, but there are some sick tickets out in the world today. I'll call her in the morning. Encourage her to take a self defense class and pray for her (as always). 

3. I am already pondering Christmas shopping and managing the list and budget. It doesn't help that with every cartoon there are hundreds of commercials that feed into my children's psyche regarding "buy me now"! So, I started a list, but I really need to crack down because the smaller budget will play a big role in who gets what. Plus, E and I both want to work hard at keeping Jesus at the center of our Christmas celebration. It is our family goal every year. We've come up with some good ideas so far!!! Now that the kids are older I think it will be fun to do a little community service work through our church.

4. I hate how chubby I am! My jeans are too tight. I cannot afford a gym membership. We don't have any exercise equipment in our home and the budget doesn't offer any room for a purchase soon. I can manage my food in portions, but hate to diet. I just eat more. So, I need to record some exercise shows and working out during nap time, take walks/jogs when I can, and realize that it is going to be a slow road ahead. My kids are too old/heavy for strollers, my hubby travels making my schedule different each week and I can always find too many excuses to do it...that is the real truth. Note to self...get over it and suck it up!

5. It is now 5:30 am. I am going to need a nap today. My hubby is traveling for the next 4 days so my energy counts. I need to try to sleep another hour and realize that life is pretty good with a roof over my head, food in the pantry and clothes to wear (even if they are too tight) ;-)

Just in battery is going to die! Night cyber world!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

book club/

As my kids are maturing I have rediscovered an old hobby...reading. Now, I am serious this is just a new thing for me (again). We're talking since August. It all started with a neighborhood friend asking me to join a small book club. I was hesitant because I didn't want to commit to something that would be too time consuming, conflict with our evening schedule and on and on. But after listening to the ground rules and knowing a few members in the group were also mothers with young kids I decided it could work out well for me.

The details are simple:
1. No more than 400 pages
2. Must be something that is thought provoking, something that will warrant good discussion
3. Must be something that no one in the group as read before.
We are on our 4th book and did I say that I am LOVING IT!?!! The whole concept is great! I am reading books that I'd never choose on my own (which is a great challenge). I am getting out of the house for a guaranteed evening a month. (Seriously, I am not trapped, but I my schedule is more kid-centered than grown-up centered.) And did I tell you I still have a brain up there??? Man, it is so nice to reconnect with the brain cells that have been dormant for 8 years of babyhood. Plus, some of these books provide interesting topics to start a dialogue with my hubby. Other than the other fun things we get to talk about daily such as bills, schedules, family issues and of ;-) 

Getting involved in a book club is a small step, but a great investment in my "self". It is also encouraging my oldest to spend her spare time reading books. (Monkey see, monkey do.) I am grateful for my new/old hobby. Three cheers for book club!

On a side note, my "hip sister" provided me with another bonus during this new adventure. It is a website (another social network) that is geared towards books. It is a great way to keep track of your reads, post ratings, give recommendations and see what your friends are reading. So check out If you're a reader this is a cool site to discover. 

Have fun!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our visit to the City Museum's World Aquarium

G interacting with the Doctor Fish

E and M standing in the tank surrounded by sting rays

M, G and E standing in front of the Old Court House with the Arch in the background

I joined a local moms group upon my arrival to St. Charles called Mom N Me. During our cycle break last week they scheduled a tour for us at the City Museum in their World Aquarium. It was a private tour for our group which rocked! We had a great time and enjoyed seeing all kinds of animals. We saw sting rays, turtles, fish of all kinds, boa constrictors, otters, alligators, and played in their tunnel systems. The kids had a great time and so did I. 

After our tour some of our group grabbed lunch and we ate at Kiener Plaza. The plaza is an outdoor area complete with fountains, amphitheater and a great view of the Arch! All in all it was a great day!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Gotta get back in the game...

Our family with Uncle Tim and Aunt Jan on their boat Full Circle

Our car on the Grafton, IL ferry boat.

So, I've been absent from my own blog lately. Where, you ask? Well, it's call three kids and cycle break. As you've read, the kids are in a great year-around school system. I like the balance it is bringing to my life, my children's and their teachers. I am seeing how concentrated their class time is while they are "in-session" and what a unique opportunity I have with the kids during their time off. It is kind of like a mini-home schooling opportunity for me ;-) (Something I admire some of my classy mom friends for conquering.)

What have we been up to you ask? Some things are simple pleasures such as park play dates, picnics, riding bikes in the cul-de-sac, going to the library, etc. Others have been a little more involved such as The City Museum, Chuck E. Cheese (yes, I caved), historical St. Charles, and even an adventure on a ferry boat to Grafton, IL.

I am proud of two accomplishments I started during this three week hiatus!

1) I am teaching G to read and he LOVES it! It was suggested to us ages ago to utilize the Bob Books. I sucked it up and bought the series. I was shocked at how easy and fun the books can be for both of us. M has been helping him too (a little teacher in the making). We just started, but I am proud of him. (He read two books to his Aunt during a video chat!) My motivation came from his status for next year. He will be one of the oldest children in his kindergarten class because of the cut-off date. Any advantage I can give him will be worth it. 

2) I embarked on a teaching adventure myself. I am using Eric's aunt and uncle's boat trip to teach the kiddos (and myself) a little geography, history, currents events, etc. They have embarked on a journey called The Great Loop. By boat they will circle the eastern portion of the US starting from their home in WI, cruising through America's heartland, making their way around FL up the eastern seaboard and then home again via the Great Lakes. It will take them approximately two years. With this is mind I hope to create a monthly lesson referencing the places they have traveled. We were fortunate enough to catch them just three weeks into their journey as they passed by St. Louis. Hence the ferry boat ride to Grafton, IL last week! Check out that blog site at

All in all, I think we've had a great break. It has been frustrating at times to balance every one's likes/dislikes and overall moods. Trying to manage activities around a nap schedule is cramping my style, but I will miss those days when they are gone! 

We still have a few things to do before school starts on Monday such as a trip to the pumpkin patch, a sleep over and making fudge. Plus these kids are chomping at the bit for Halloween to arrive. A tradition that we enjoy each year!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yeah for new activities!

With each season there are new things to discover. In our house, we've grown up a little and have discovered new interests. M has started taking gymnastic again (much to her liking) plus we added Girl Scouts to our list. G had matured to the point where organized sports are becoming enjoyable both for him and us. So, he's participating in soccer. He has a lot to learn, but you've got to start somewhere, right?

The pictures are from M's first GS campfire event hosted at a local state park. Our motivation for starting GS at such a late age revolves around moving to a new city and trying to connect with new friends. Plus I wanted to expose M to the idea of being involved with her community and enjoying it. Yes, I could try to do community service activities on my own, but honestly it is easier for me to do it through an organization and not reinvent the wheel myself.

I was once a GS back in the 80's. It is funny how some of the songs are still the same, but how the organization has modernized too. Being involved in GS in a large metro area opens the doors to MANY activities as well as community service projects. Plus her troop leaders are very motivated and creative. They have some fun events organized which will help us become familiar with our surroundings. 

G's pictures are from his first soccer game. He was pumped to get out there and be the goalie. His soccer is organized through the YMCA so there is an emphasis on sportsmanship, taking turns and having fun. My neighbor and fellow soccer parent stated her three rules to soccer for her son: 1. Don't use your hands. 2. Have fun. 3. No crying. (I am particularly fond of #3.) I loved that the kids shook hands before the game and did the traditional "high 5's" at the end. All saying, "good game". 

At G's age there are two things that are very important to the players...having your OWN water bottle and waving to your parents as you play. It was very funny to watch the ball whiz by G while he was trying to give Big E a thumbs up and a wink. Something I know we will miss when he grows older and more focused. 

So, we're off to a great start. Busy, but fun!

PS - Little E is along for the ride;-)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Life at our house with NFL football

Courtesy of

So, through the recent weeks Big E has casually talked about the 2008 NFL season. Over the years he has participated in fantasy football leagues and spent many Sundays/Mondays in front of the t.v. 

When we had just one child it didn't bother me much. In fact we usually hung out, I cooked and M played quietly. Then came child #2. It still was doable, but not as carefree. We used our weekends to get the house organized for the week ahead. Big E always volunteered to do laundry while watching game after game after game. When we had newborns he gladly snuggle with them while they slept so I could have my hands free to get things done. 

Alas, there were many days when I wanted to stay put watching movies and let Big E do all the cleaning. But I must admit I am a control freak to a certain extent. It would be hard for me to "let go" and let Big E pick up and clean. So, our system had worked for us. However, not without some arguments of the years. 

So, today in our tradition, Big E set up his folding station (in front of the flat screen) and began to conquer Mt. Laundry. The littlest child was napping, the middle child was playing super heroes and the eldest was painting outside when it happened...

Eeeerrrrrrrrhhhhhhaaaa....CLUNK....SILENCE...STINKY SMELL...


Yes, after almost nine faithful years of service our washer broke mid-cycle during our first load today. It stinks (signs of a broken belt I think) and I am bummed. I don't want to spend my afternoon at a laundry mat. Although I could get several chapters of my book read. So, I think I will ring out the clothes by hand and call a repair man first thing in the morning. I'll get a quote and see if repairing it is better than new. However, our machine is old and if we shop around we MIGHT be able to get a new one cheaper than a repair. We'll see...;-)


Friday, September 5, 2008

8.8.08...Olympic Theme Birthday for G

There aren't too many times when your birthday falls on the opening day of the Summer Olympic Games! So, when I figured this out I ran with the idea of celebrating G's birthday just that way. It was my homemade version of the "Backyard Olympic Games" and it was fun! 

I challenged myself to not spend too much on the decorations. I made cupcakes and decorated them in the colors of the Olympic rings. I was able to purchase leftover 4th of July supplies at a HUGE discount keeping in mind we're TEAM USA (plates, cups, napkins, and tablecloths). I found "oriental take-out" boxes at a party supply store and used them for goodie bags giving props to the host country of China. Plus they happened to have a bag of gold medals to add to the theme! We displayed a world map marking the host country's location as well as our city. I was quite pleased at how well the theme came together. The food was simple with hot dogs, cheese pizza, chips, a veggie tray and of course CUPCAKES!

G and his friends had a great time. G is counting down the days until his 6th birthday, but little does he know next year it will be a quiet family party. ;-)

Here are some pics from that wonderful day!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So, recently my son has started preschool. He is meeting new friends and remembering old. He is getting better at remembering names and maturing with each passing day. There is one young lad in his class that really captured his fancy on the first day. One that he talks about quite frequently. One that he wanted to emulate...really badly!

Well, this child has, according to G, "has the coolest hair cut." On and on G went about his friend's cool do. So, do you wanna know what it is...A MOHAWK. 

G kept talking about it and finally asked if he could get a mohawk too. I told him I had to ask Daddy. I didn't care that much. Heck, you're only five once, right? Big E agreed and we told G he'd have to wait until after school pics. 

But don't worry. The mohawk lasted a whole three days. G is a texture kid and didn't like it. (That is part of the reason why we let him do it in the first place...we knew it wouldn't last!) 
Now he's ready to go to boot camp with an army style buzz cut. I really miss his longer locks.
It grows back, right?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I've decided that it WILL be a good day...

When I rolled over this morning, I saw the 6:15 am flashing on the clock.  I decided to sneak out of bed, unload the dishwasher, make coffee and have 45 minutes of utter silence before our day started. Now, mind you, 10 years ago, 6:15 am could have been a bed time for me instead of a "wake-up" time, but I am not going to complain about that...yet!

So, much to my demise "little E" decided she would join me for my EARLY morning ALONE-QUIET time. If you know little E, quiet does NOT exist in her vocab. I was bugged, but scooped her up trying to think of how to distract her so I could continue on with my plan of cleanliness and caffeine. 

However, when her little hands cupped my cheeks and with her blue eyes to my blue eyes she said, "I love you Momma," I knew I was sunk. How could you say no to a morning of snuggling on the couch with cartoons??? It was hard I tell ya ;-)

So after we concocted her morning milk fix and my coffee IV. We hit the couch, played an episode of Blue's Clues and I sank into the largest sectional you've every seen! During our snuggle session I decided that I would make a decent effort to listen to my children before flying off the handle (I'm really good at that); realize that I won't get IT all done today (whatever that means) and do my best to make our morning go smoothly. 

Guess what...IT WORKED! I seriously had those "count to 10 moments", but I decided to take a deep breath before reacting. I even got the dishwasher unloaded, a lunch packed, kids dressed, breakfast x's 5 made and started laundry. My grand plan to get a shower didn't fit into that plan until later in the day, but M got off to school with a smile on her face and high 5's from her bro and sis. I was two cups of coffee into my morning and felt a sense of satisfaction rather than anger. I was able to decide what I should do next instead of what I can't get done.

However, this was not a foreign concept to my being...

In school, I was a competitive athlete and held a few leadership position. The concept of positive thinking needed to be apart of me if I wanted to be successful. My parents were great examples of it. However, somewhere along the way, I shrugged it off in early adulthood thinking I didn't need it anymore. My brain was being subjected to too images of "oh poor me". I became victim of negativity. So, I ask you, does the glass really have to be "half full"? 

Why YES IT DOES! I have been struggling with the "glass half empty" for months now and when I made a conscience effort to have a GOOD WORKED!!! It wasn't perfect, but it was a much better morning because I decided it would be...not because it just happened.

A little elbow grease always makes things better, right? Well, I will do the same tomorrow and see how it turns out. I know I am doing myself a favor and setting a much better example for those gorgeous blue eyes that watch my every move...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mad, PO and more...

Okay, the last few days have been from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other...tears to anger...and then angry tear. My poor, poor hubby has been completely understanding and took a tip from the last time I was like this...okay 28 days ago (hint, hint)...he listened to me while I cried on the phone today. Here is what he learned from last month...He didn't try to SOLVE my problems. He empathized!!! I couldn't have been happier in retrospect, but I couldn't see his improvement at the time.
Then my brother (who I talked to briefly today) called back tonight and only said that he loved me and thought I was doing a great job at being a Mom. He knew too! 
I must have been really weird today! 
My problem you ask? Well, there are several. Women are like onions...we have layers (ode to Shrek).
1. I am burnt out. Mommies get just plain tired of cleaning up, doing laundry, wiping bottoms, being crawled on, and giving constantly, etc. You must be thinking...Sarah, make time for yourself. It is easier said than done. I struggle finding a balance with the kids, my beloved hubby and myself. Most women do, right? I never want to "dump" my kids on the husband. I don't want to be a selfish person. I truly believe that our society paints a "me, me, me" or " I, I, I" image. "What have you done for yourself today" rather than "what have you done for others today". I realize that I must strike a balance in my personal life, but it is easier to make excuses than to follow through with striking out on my own. Eric never thinks twice about taking the kids when I need a break...never. He's great!
2. I miss my friends...all of them. Now I know that sounds childish, but hey...a girl needs her peeps! My hubby also put this into perspective too. He is on a roll I tell ya! He said that of course I'm lonely. I left some great friends back in MN. The newness has worn off of our new city and now we're settling into a normal pattern. 
I remember this feeling well when we moved last time, but I only had one child and my mother on the other end of the phone. We talked daily about EVERYTHING. She listened to my concerns. She encouraged me to explore my new surroundings and to use my "great personality" to meet others. Thus I embarked on some lifelong friendships with two great cheerleaders in my back corner (Mom and Hubby). 
3. Speaking of my Mom...I miss her terribly too! Since her passing in 1/07 I am evolving into my new life without her. It takes more time than outsiders think. She was not only my mother, but my best girl friend, counselor, supporter, interior designer, grandmother, etc. I get angry when others balk at how tearful I STILL get when discussing my mother. Healthy or unhealthy...I will never get over the loss of JLPS. She was an undeniable treasure to mankind. Period.
4. Keeping my loss in mind, I find it much harder to approach people. I am much more judgemental, self conscious and uncertain about myself. I thought I'd become a stronger person because of my mother's death. I was hoping to be inspired by her strength, determined spirit and unwavering moral self. Now I find myself unable to make a decision and stick with it...some days. I second guess others intentions and read into too many things. I procrastinate much more and it is a trait I despise in others. If this isn't a therapy session online I don't know what is...???
So, what will I do with my anger, you ask? Get some sleep...something that I am lacking these days. I am amazed what some decent sleep does for my emotional state. Plus, I will take a deep breath, give myself a break and realize that friendships don't happen overnight and to enjoy my kids while they are still young. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, get out on a date night with the hubby...getting dressed up makes a girl feel special, right?
Don't worry...this too shall pass and I will feel better in about...7 days! ;-)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Can it really be true?

I've searched the aisles of notebooks, pencils and folders for the "right" thing while weaving through a sea a people on the same mission. I've rechecked the list, emailed the teacher and labeled all of the supplies. We attended the "Meet the Teacher" night, collected all of the paperwork and packed the backpack. I can't believe the day has arrived... 
You might be scratching your head thinking, "Isn't it still summer?" Well, technically you're right. Summer doesn't end for quite a while, but our public school district runs on a year around program. Something that is new to us, but exciting at the same time. Basically the students are in school for nine weeks and off for three weeks. Summer has a six week break, but it goes FAST! They have been a "year around" system for over 40 years. It started when the district formed years ago. Everyone I've talked to loves it for many reasons. The teachers rave about how well it works for their teaching techniques. Plus it seems to help the students stay "fresh". 
So, our eldest ventured off into another year of elementary bliss. Our middle child will have another year at preschool while the "baby" enjoys one day a week at a "mother's day out" program. 
You would think I'd have time on my hands, but in reality our routine has made my mini-van my second home. And I work hard not to sign up for too many activities to maintain our sanity, but nonetheless we're on the go like most families. 
So, raise your "cups of joe" to another school year. Homework here we come!!! 
Cheers - S

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ahhhh...let's relax...a little

I can't tell you how "secretly" relieved I was to find out that our baseball/softball games were cancelled today. My eldest was too ;-) You know why we're relieved? Since moving to our new home this spring we've had something scheduled EVERY weekend since our arrival. I'm not joking! Family celebrations, visitors, bbq's, games, practices, weekend weddings, etc. It is great to be busy, but a it can be a sigh of relief to have "time on your hands" too. 
So, this morning I'm not gulping down my coffee to rush out the door. My eldest is painting next to me while I write. The middle one is watching Scooby Doo happily in his mismatched pj's and my youngest is still sleeping. Joyous!


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Celebrating death with life

So, Eric and I have had a "rough" 18 months. We've both lost parents under different circumstances within a three month time span. Some people don't have close relationships with their parents and I must say that we can't relate. In essence, Eric and I lost our best friends when his father and my mother passed away. Some say that it will get easier with time, but I say that somedays it gets harder. Although the "sting" subsides...the loss will always remain.
In the midst of our grief, there is much joy and celebration to enjoy. In fact, Eric's family started a golf outing to honor his father, Greg. This Memorial Day weekend marked the 2nd annual event with 94 golfers in tow. Not only that, but we had family and friends alike decend upon our small town in Iowa which made for a weekend full of laughter, tears and fantastic memories. 
The weekend consisted of a community band event, the golf outing, a large family dinner and dance as well as time in the hotel pool with the little ones...I think we counted 40 kids at one point. I am sure we missed a few ;-) 
Many thanks and kudos go out to Eric's sister and husband as they were the driving force behind this event. Without their direction...we'd be sitting in Iowa starting at each other.
So, although we've lost two precious souls in our lives, Eric and I agree that we are grateful for what we have...three beautiful children, a good job and a roof over our heads. The rest of the details are just perks!
Any yes...that is the Pope's hat on Eric's head while I am wearing bunny ears. No party is a good party unless it is a themed party. This year's theme was "hat" party!

Friday, May 2, 2008

What REALLY needs to get done?

So, it is another wild and crazy Friday night at the Kraus' house! After a very long week full of kids' activities, Eric's work events and "life" I have found myself wanting nothing more than to watch a "chic flick" by the most comfortable jammy pants I own and not talk to anyone, but...

There are the evening's dinner dishes calling my name...maybe even a few (or more) things left over from yesterday...making the task a little more daunting. And laundry...always laundry. My cousin, Michelle, stated in an email several months ago that "laundry is the gift that keeps on giving". She is a genius ;-)

In my house laundry is a chore that haunts me when I sleep and when I am awake. I can NEVER get on top of it! I swear, Eric's stuff alone takes up three to four loads weekly. (Mental pic...the man is 6'8'' and over 299 can only imagine how big his clothes are ...therefore...they take up a lot of space in the washer;-)) Plus I should sort out the paperwork (school notes, bills, cards to mail out, etc). It goes on and on...right?

I have a wonderful husband who helps me out whenever I ask...which the "asking" can drive you nuts on the wrong days, but nonetheless he is willing to help put the kids to bed, help with homework, put away dishes, etc. I have heard horror stories from other mothers that make me grateful he is a hands on Dad. So, why is it I feel like I am fighting an uphill battle daily to get it all done...not just the chores, but enriching my children's lives with the simple pleasures of coloring with them, reading to them and holding them?

I know our society has raised the stakes of the "perfect" family. The "perfectly" decorated home. The "perfectly" decorated children and the "perfectly" decorated marriage. It is a game that I could get caught up in and sometimes I find myself on the verge of jumping in with two feet, but then reality way...who's got the time? I can barely get a shower some days!?!

So it is with great pleasure that I am announcing...jammy pants here I come...when does the movie start?
