Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So, recently my son has started preschool. He is meeting new friends and remembering old. He is getting better at remembering names and maturing with each passing day. There is one young lad in his class that really captured his fancy on the first day. One that he talks about quite frequently. One that he wanted to emulate...really badly!

Well, this child has, according to G, "has the coolest hair cut." On and on G went about his friend's cool do. So, do you wanna know what it is...A MOHAWK. 

G kept talking about it and finally asked if he could get a mohawk too. I told him I had to ask Daddy. I didn't care that much. Heck, you're only five once, right? Big E agreed and we told G he'd have to wait until after school pics. 

But don't worry. The mohawk lasted a whole three days. G is a texture kid and didn't like it. (That is part of the reason why we let him do it in the first place...we knew it wouldn't last!) 
Now he's ready to go to boot camp with an army style buzz cut. I really miss his longer locks.
It grows back, right?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Wow is right! That is QUITE the mohawk. I was thinking it was more of a buzzed mohawk, but seeing the pictures shows me it was way longer! Glad he's moved on to the full-buzzed military look. :)