Thursday, August 9, 2007

Still Waiting...

Patience...not an attribute I can say I use well...most of my family would especially (poor souls). You'd think I would have learned a lot from the last several years of my life (a blog for another day), but I still struggle with patience.
Why is it that I am more patient with others and less patient with my inner circle??? Is it because I know they are my family and I take that too lightly? I just "know" they will forgive me (with time) and we'll move on. My husband (the gentle giant) is the KING of patience with me. He just keeps getting better with time (not that he ever struggled with it anyway).
I truly find myself having to "take a moment" and collect myself before I EXPLODE some days. I admit I usually just gloss over the "moment" part and just EXPLODE...not a good thing for anyone. I am a Christian and when I do get in over my head I am getting better at prayer during that challenging time, however, I do forget to pause for that too.
Maybe it is the "control freak" in me that cannot let go and therefore my patience is soon to follow?
So I will take a vow for today and try to be more patient with my children. They too are absorbing my every word and action. Raising children is finding a balance between teaching, discipline and love...and if I have will flow much easier for everyone.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Wet behind the ears??

Well, I am "new" to blogging. Something my 'lil sis Em says I will enjoy ;-) After reading a friend's blogspot ( I have to say I am inspired. So bear with me as I fumble my way around this stuff. I haven't written in a while and I am fairly rusty, but life has given me a lot of "experiences" lately. Enjoy while I dust off the vocab (which has been burried in mommyhood for seven years) and give it a "good old college try".