Friday, September 5, 2008

8.8.08...Olympic Theme Birthday for G

There aren't too many times when your birthday falls on the opening day of the Summer Olympic Games! So, when I figured this out I ran with the idea of celebrating G's birthday just that way. It was my homemade version of the "Backyard Olympic Games" and it was fun! 

I challenged myself to not spend too much on the decorations. I made cupcakes and decorated them in the colors of the Olympic rings. I was able to purchase leftover 4th of July supplies at a HUGE discount keeping in mind we're TEAM USA (plates, cups, napkins, and tablecloths). I found "oriental take-out" boxes at a party supply store and used them for goodie bags giving props to the host country of China. Plus they happened to have a bag of gold medals to add to the theme! We displayed a world map marking the host country's location as well as our city. I was quite pleased at how well the theme came together. The food was simple with hot dogs, cheese pizza, chips, a veggie tray and of course CUPCAKES!

G and his friends had a great time. G is counting down the days until his 6th birthday, but little does he know next year it will be a quiet family party. ;-)

Here are some pics from that wonderful day!


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