Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So, recently my son has started preschool. He is meeting new friends and remembering old. He is getting better at remembering names and maturing with each passing day. There is one young lad in his class that really captured his fancy on the first day. One that he talks about quite frequently. One that he wanted to emulate...really badly!

Well, this child has, according to G, "has the coolest hair cut." On and on G went about his friend's cool do. So, do you wanna know what it is...A MOHAWK. 

G kept talking about it and finally asked if he could get a mohawk too. I told him I had to ask Daddy. I didn't care that much. Heck, you're only five once, right? Big E agreed and we told G he'd have to wait until after school pics. 

But don't worry. The mohawk lasted a whole three days. G is a texture kid and didn't like it. (That is part of the reason why we let him do it in the first place...we knew it wouldn't last!) 
Now he's ready to go to boot camp with an army style buzz cut. I really miss his longer locks.
It grows back, right?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I've decided that it WILL be a good day...

When I rolled over this morning, I saw the 6:15 am flashing on the clock.  I decided to sneak out of bed, unload the dishwasher, make coffee and have 45 minutes of utter silence before our day started. Now, mind you, 10 years ago, 6:15 am could have been a bed time for me instead of a "wake-up" time, but I am not going to complain about that...yet!

So, much to my demise "little E" decided she would join me for my EARLY morning ALONE-QUIET time. If you know little E, quiet does NOT exist in her vocab. I was bugged, but scooped her up trying to think of how to distract her so I could continue on with my plan of cleanliness and caffeine. 

However, when her little hands cupped my cheeks and with her blue eyes to my blue eyes she said, "I love you Momma," I knew I was sunk. How could you say no to a morning of snuggling on the couch with cartoons??? It was hard I tell ya ;-)

So after we concocted her morning milk fix and my coffee IV. We hit the couch, played an episode of Blue's Clues and I sank into the largest sectional you've every seen! During our snuggle session I decided that I would make a decent effort to listen to my children before flying off the handle (I'm really good at that); realize that I won't get IT all done today (whatever that means) and do my best to make our morning go smoothly. 

Guess what...IT WORKED! I seriously had those "count to 10 moments", but I decided to take a deep breath before reacting. I even got the dishwasher unloaded, a lunch packed, kids dressed, breakfast x's 5 made and started laundry. My grand plan to get a shower didn't fit into that plan until later in the day, but M got off to school with a smile on her face and high 5's from her bro and sis. I was two cups of coffee into my morning and felt a sense of satisfaction rather than anger. I was able to decide what I should do next instead of what I can't get done.

However, this was not a foreign concept to my being...

In school, I was a competitive athlete and held a few leadership position. The concept of positive thinking needed to be apart of me if I wanted to be successful. My parents were great examples of it. However, somewhere along the way, I shrugged it off in early adulthood thinking I didn't need it anymore. My brain was being subjected to too images of "oh poor me". I became victim of negativity. So, I ask you, does the glass really have to be "half full"? 

Why YES IT DOES! I have been struggling with the "glass half empty" for months now and when I made a conscience effort to have a GOOD WORKED!!! It wasn't perfect, but it was a much better morning because I decided it would be...not because it just happened.

A little elbow grease always makes things better, right? Well, I will do the same tomorrow and see how it turns out. I know I am doing myself a favor and setting a much better example for those gorgeous blue eyes that watch my every move...