Monday, November 10, 2008


Big E and M carving pumpkins

Little E and G with their carving for these little guys ;-)

The three amigos before the candy extravaganza!

I thought I should post my Halloween pics before Thanksgiving is here and gone! We had a great evening! It was a very mild night and the kids didn't have to hide their costumes with heavy coats and gloves. A bonus for being farther south this year. I was walking around the neighborhood in flip flips and capri pants. I know this won't happen every year. I realize that I am still in the Midwest. However, this brings a smile to my face knowing our first trick-o-treat experience in MN was a balmy 26 degrees. Big E and M only made it to three or four doors that year.

All in all, the kids made a great haul in the candy department. We were able to connect with neighbors and have some great laughs. Little E was a trooper and old enough to enjoy the evening without having to be trapped in a wagon or stroller (yeah for the parents too). Just another milestone that will make a great memory in this wonderful thing called life!


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