Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yeah for new activities!

With each season there are new things to discover. In our house, we've grown up a little and have discovered new interests. M has started taking gymnastic again (much to her liking) plus we added Girl Scouts to our list. G had matured to the point where organized sports are becoming enjoyable both for him and us. So, he's participating in soccer. He has a lot to learn, but you've got to start somewhere, right?

The pictures are from M's first GS campfire event hosted at a local state park. Our motivation for starting GS at such a late age revolves around moving to a new city and trying to connect with new friends. Plus I wanted to expose M to the idea of being involved with her community and enjoying it. Yes, I could try to do community service activities on my own, but honestly it is easier for me to do it through an organization and not reinvent the wheel myself.

I was once a GS back in the 80's. It is funny how some of the songs are still the same, but how the organization has modernized too. Being involved in GS in a large metro area opens the doors to MANY activities as well as community service projects. Plus her troop leaders are very motivated and creative. They have some fun events organized which will help us become familiar with our surroundings. 

G's pictures are from his first soccer game. He was pumped to get out there and be the goalie. His soccer is organized through the YMCA so there is an emphasis on sportsmanship, taking turns and having fun. My neighbor and fellow soccer parent stated her three rules to soccer for her son: 1. Don't use your hands. 2. Have fun. 3. No crying. (I am particularly fond of #3.) I loved that the kids shook hands before the game and did the traditional "high 5's" at the end. All saying, "good game". 

At G's age there are two things that are very important to the players...having your OWN water bottle and waving to your parents as you play. It was very funny to watch the ball whiz by G while he was trying to give Big E a thumbs up and a wink. Something I know we will miss when he grows older and more focused. 

So, we're off to a great start. Busy, but fun!

PS - Little E is along for the ride;-)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Life at our house with NFL football

Courtesy of

So, through the recent weeks Big E has casually talked about the 2008 NFL season. Over the years he has participated in fantasy football leagues and spent many Sundays/Mondays in front of the t.v. 

When we had just one child it didn't bother me much. In fact we usually hung out, I cooked and M played quietly. Then came child #2. It still was doable, but not as carefree. We used our weekends to get the house organized for the week ahead. Big E always volunteered to do laundry while watching game after game after game. When we had newborns he gladly snuggle with them while they slept so I could have my hands free to get things done. 

Alas, there were many days when I wanted to stay put watching movies and let Big E do all the cleaning. But I must admit I am a control freak to a certain extent. It would be hard for me to "let go" and let Big E pick up and clean. So, our system had worked for us. However, not without some arguments of the years. 

So, today in our tradition, Big E set up his folding station (in front of the flat screen) and began to conquer Mt. Laundry. The littlest child was napping, the middle child was playing super heroes and the eldest was painting outside when it happened...

Eeeerrrrrrrrhhhhhhaaaa....CLUNK....SILENCE...STINKY SMELL...


Yes, after almost nine faithful years of service our washer broke mid-cycle during our first load today. It stinks (signs of a broken belt I think) and I am bummed. I don't want to spend my afternoon at a laundry mat. Although I could get several chapters of my book read. So, I think I will ring out the clothes by hand and call a repair man first thing in the morning. I'll get a quote and see if repairing it is better than new. However, our machine is old and if we shop around we MIGHT be able to get a new one cheaper than a repair. We'll see...;-)


Friday, September 5, 2008

8.8.08...Olympic Theme Birthday for G

There aren't too many times when your birthday falls on the opening day of the Summer Olympic Games! So, when I figured this out I ran with the idea of celebrating G's birthday just that way. It was my homemade version of the "Backyard Olympic Games" and it was fun! 

I challenged myself to not spend too much on the decorations. I made cupcakes and decorated them in the colors of the Olympic rings. I was able to purchase leftover 4th of July supplies at a HUGE discount keeping in mind we're TEAM USA (plates, cups, napkins, and tablecloths). I found "oriental take-out" boxes at a party supply store and used them for goodie bags giving props to the host country of China. Plus they happened to have a bag of gold medals to add to the theme! We displayed a world map marking the host country's location as well as our city. I was quite pleased at how well the theme came together. The food was simple with hot dogs, cheese pizza, chips, a veggie tray and of course CUPCAKES!

G and his friends had a great time. G is counting down the days until his 6th birthday, but little does he know next year it will be a quiet family party. ;-)

Here are some pics from that wonderful day!