Thursday, November 15, 2007

Where to begin?

So life with kids can be a "barrel of laughs" or time for a barrel of beer?!? In the process of parenting with a traveling husband I've discover lots of new things about myself and my kids. Today's topic is "LIMITS"...
Evie has NO limit as to how many times she can watch Blues Clues. It is her favorite. She sings the songs and tries to mimic the actions as well as any 22 month old can. She also LOVES to repeat everything...names are her favorite topic. Several times a day we have to go over where everyone is at. For instance...Nannie (Maddie) is at school; Whoa (Grogan) is downstairs, Daddy is at work, Momma (usually right next to her) and Evie...she never forgets herself as she proudly pats her chest.
Grogan has NO limit to the amount of Cheetos he can consume in a day. Not a fact I am proud of, but the boy inhales them when he gets a chance. That is something I try to limit, but hey...I admit I like a Cheeto now and again too. Grogan also has NO limit when it comes to Spiderman. He is PASSIONATE about his favorite superhero. He can recite lines in movies, mimic Spierman's famous poses and he truly believes he has webs like Spidey. He also carries his trusted Spiderman mask bed, to the store and even tries to take it in his pocket to school. He has frightened a few children in the asiles of Target. Grogan sprang around the corner (mask on) shooting "webs" to try to swing from the shelves. Something many of us dream of, but probably have never tried to attempt. Grogan will never have regrets when it comes to testing his superhero powers. He tries to climb the walls daily at home.
Maddie is in a different phase of life. She was worked past wearing her look-alike ruby red slippers everywhere (a three year old thing) and doesn't require sleeping with her blanket anymore. However as a seven year old she SINGS everything and everywhere. She memorizes songs and makes up many of her own. The other day at Target (our home away from home) she was pushing a cart singing about the different things she saw...granola bars, bottle water, coffee, etc. Now mind you it wasn't at the top of her lungs. In fact she didn't realize she was doing it until she caught me smiling at her. I loved it. Also if she isn't singing she is TALKING. Maddie (okay, like her mother) can talk something to death. I must admit I don't giver her my full attention all of the time. I have mastered the "oh yeah's" and "really's". I do catch most of her subject matter and when I am "in the zone" she is quick to point out that I am not paying attention to her.
Unfortunately, I have many limits as a mother. Most of them relate directly to the amount of sleep I've had and if I've eaten (God forbid a miss a meal or snacktime). I am working on being more flexible, but I have a limit to the amount of times a child can jump on the couch, say "Momma" to get my attention even if I've politely told them to wait, and listen to the kids "work it out" over a favorite toy. I can only "take" so much ;-)
In essence adults have many more limits than children. We know children lack the ability to set limits for themselves (duh, that's a parent's job). So when you visit our home and you find a singing child, Cheetos on the table and Blues Clues on the television just realize that life is good for those involved.

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