Monday, October 31, 2011


Yes, I found my blogger page again. With a little digging and reseting a password I've decided to dust off my keyboard and try this again...blogging that is...;-)

I walked away from blogging because I found that Facebook became my way of communicating with my family and friends. Why double-up? Why waste more time? I'm a big FB fan! It was a great way to be in everyone's business without actually trying. I'm always shocked at how much drama unfolds there!

Going back to my last post and trying to catch up on EVERY detail is a little daunting. So, let's keep it simple with a list...

1. We moved...into a new rental home. 45 days after we moved in we sold our MN home. Much to the dismay of our pocketbooks, but sold nonetheless. I never imagined we would be "renting" 10 yrs into our marriage, but I've learned a lot with the recession and the dip in the housing market. Have patience, be humble and move past other's judgements. And believe me...we've been judged.

2. We started the Financial Peace University program through Dave Ramsey. I must has been a HUGE success. With a lot of hard work and a few set backs we can see the light at the end of the "debt-free" tunnel. More on this story in the days ahead...

3. My Dad got MARRIED! Yep, he's crazy enough to fall in love twice. His wife (my stepmom) Dian is a wonderful lady and truly compliments him where he is in his life today. We were ALL in the wedding and I will post pics later. Let's just say that spanx can be a girls best friend.

4. We've done a lot of car-trips with the kids. It's so much easier without diaper bags, pack-n-plays, bottles, etc. It's fun to discover new places in our country together. We are slowly expanding our travel circumference. My butt gets numb after about 15 hours and I'm not going to sell my body to Playboy or a TSA agent anytime soon.

5. The kids are in school full time now...YES ALL THREE ;) Even with the kids gone from 8:30 - 4:00 I find my days are crammed full. It's a new season of parenting for me, but darn it...I like it. Who knew running a household with three busy kids, a traveling hubby and a few volunteer positions would make me so tired? But, hey...I'm grateful ;) Coffee = GOOD.

This list is rather short, but honestly I looked at the clock and realized that I'm already behind today. C-ya!


Confession: I've returned to blogging because the new layout of Facebook is too annoying to manage. And I like to write more than just a "status update" occasionally.


Elizabeth said...

Welcome back!!!

SLSK said...


Jenn said...

Hey lady! I'm glad to see you back in the blogosphere. I love blogging and I love reading blogs. Glad to see that y'all are doing well!