Sunday, February 15, 2009

I've been missing in action...for a long, long time...

So you're wondering, "where the heck is she?" Well, I don't have a good excuse. Other than I've been busy and trying to keep up with life. However, I must admit I found a new "online obsession"...FACEBOOK!!!

My, oh my...I'm addicted. Seriously, I've been a very bad girl. I log on several times a day to check on the "status" of others, add pics, update my "wall" and other things. However, I've really enjoyed finding old college and high school classmates. It is so fun to reconnect with them and see where life has taken, marriages, children, etc. 

However, during my hiatus I've come to realize that I miss my pathetic blog. I hope to update it more frequently and really trying writing something of substance. (We'll see...)



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