My laundry rm after ignoring it for 3 days...sigh...
One of my pet peeves is...
Early each morning, my oldest goes into the laundry room and opens the dryer. She digs, pulls, and sometimes she finds what she's looking for...sometimes. During this moment, I'm usually in the kitchen trying not to watch her while I make coffee and pack lunches. Little by little, my blood starts to boil.
So the conversation goes...
Me: "What are you looking for, M?"
Oldest: "Nothing, just checking to see what's in there."
Me: "Didn't you lay out your clothes last night?
Oldest: "Yes, but I was just looking."
Me getting annoyed, " What exactly do you need?"
Oldest with a pathetic look as if she only has rags in her closet: "Well, I was hoping you'd washed ________________(fill in the blank) last night."
I get it. Girls are choosy, picky and we change our minds often. I do it all of the time.
And I admit I get behind in our laundry easily. We are a family of five and somehow we must wear four outfits a day because I can't keep up. But, what gets me is the amount of clothes that cover my oldest's bedroom floor. It's like lumpy carpeting with various colors and textures. The sad thing is...I make her pick up her room several times a week. I just don't know HOW IT GETS SO MESSY SO FAST!
Plus, I've made it easy for my kids and husband. We have a main laundry basket in the hallway for the kids and one in our room of the adults. It's not hard to place dirty clothes in a basket that is conveniently located two to three feet from your bed, right? WRONG. Apparently it causes debilitating pain to walk the clothes to the basket and memory loss because no one remembers to put their clothes in it!
So this morning, my oldest needed a hoodie. After her ritual dig in the dryer she declared, "Mom, I don't have any clean." I told her I was behind on laundry bc of Halloween and I will tackled it today. "You must have something you can wear, M," I said. She returned minutes later in a light blue hoodie with no problems.
I went up to her room this morning. I found THREE hoodies on her bedroom floor. They were TWO feet away from the dirty clothes basket. Go figure...
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